ThrowForward Thursday 165: Smartphone Innovation (seems a bit stuck to me)
NOTE: Use this RSS link to add 'Graeme Codrington's Future of Work'
to your favourite podcast player:
ThrowForward Thursday 164: Clones: Copy Yourself
ThrowForward Thursday 162: Jet Pack Drone Racing League Suspended
ThrowForward Thursday 161: The Death of Outsourced Procurement
ThrowForward Thursday 159: Human/Robot Bionics
ThrowForward Thursday 158: France Bans Energy Drinks (future scenario)
ThrowForward Thursday: Ep 157: Vocal Biomarker Disease Detection
ThrowForward Thursday 149: The path to AGI
Throwforward Thursday 148: Download data to our brains
ThrowForward Thursday 147: Digital Democracy 2052
ThrowForward Thursday 145: Phytomining (extracting minerals and metals from plants)
ThrowForward Thursday 144: Future Experiments in Government
ThrowForward Thursday 143: LAMs: Large ACTION Models and the future of smartphones
ThrowForward Thursday 141: No More Plastic
ThrowForward Thursday 139: Robot Window Washers
ThrowForward Thursday 138: Chatbot sued by owner
ThrowForward Thursday 137: AI Selected Life-Partner (A Valentine's Day suggestion)
ThrowForward Thursday 135: Hyper-personalised Peak-performance workplaces
ThrowForward Thursday 129: Oil-eating Microbes create Gold Hydrogen
ThrowForward Thursday 127: Ocean and Space Energy