Lights, camera, action! This is our first full episode for a while, so there's a quick 'catch up' on the five ingredients of healthy hybrid teams. And then we're back into unpacking MASTERY with the very practical and important issue of upgrading how you look when you join online meetings. Microphones, lights, cameras, backgrounds, software and apps to upgrade how you present yourself in the digital world.
Here are the resources Graeme referred to in the podcast episode:
Software for green screens:
Don't forget that you can ask me any questions at:
Photos of my studio:
Lights at 45 degrees facing me (I use a softbox on one, and the other bright one pointing at the ceiling).

LED lights placed next to my seat and lighting the background behind me:

My external camera, mounted in front of an external screen. Note the "high tech" arrows reminding me to look into the camera!

How my camera is mounted:
