Today’s ThrowForward Thursday is an exciting announcement about a new resource just for you: Graeme Codrington’s Futures Club.
Most of my work is with senior leaders in large corporates, but I know that so many more people could find it valuable. I help people to anticipate disruptive change, scan the horizon to see what’s coming next, work out what to do about it all today, and even more importantly develop the skills and tools to ensure their whole team are future ready.
And now I can help you do this.
Find out more and sign up today at
Your monthly membership gives you access to:
A weekly email with 5+ articles of the best bits from Graeme's analysis of current realities and future trends
Twice a month training videos on the tools and skills needed to think like a futurist
Regular exclusive webinars on relevant topics, bringing you future-focused experts, interviews and insights
A monthly virtual coffee meeting with Graeme and fellow Gold members to discuss what’s on your future of work agenda
Quarterly Keynotes with exclusive access to a recording of one of our workshops not publicly available
... and so much more ...
Satisfaction guaranteed. Cancel anytime if it's not working for you.
Check it out now, and join today.